Soul Care is about cleaning out your soul from the messiness of life using Biblical principles. Our soul is like a suitcase, and if it is full of things like bitterness, lies, and secrets then there is not much room for the good things God wants to give like peace, joy, and fullness.
Dr. Rob Reimer challenges readers to engage in an interactive, roll-up-your-sleeves and get messy process -- a journey of self-reflection, Holy Spirit inspiration, deep wrestling, and surrender. It is a process of discovering yourself in true community and discovering God as He pierces through the layers of your heart. Available here.
*New* On Mission is a new book with the stories of twelve Canadian Alliance international workers (featuring our own Ron MacKinnon). This book celebrates the redeeming work of God and at the same time provides some accountability to the people of God who faithfully provided sons and daughters, finances and prayer, for the mission of God. Click here to download your copy.
The Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada
The Eastern Canadian District of the C&MA
Ambrose University College - Seminary